If you’re new to 1914 Reader, 10% Less Mediocrity is a running theme here. In simple terms, it is the idea that Nigeria has allowed itself to drift so far that just improving things by 10% will deliver significant improvements in quality of life and governance for many Nigerians.
Today’s illustration is a letter from the highest office in the land which contains plenty of mediocrity that can be improved.
Forget the actual content of the letter - the idea that a budget item cannot be reviewed because it has been ‘approved’ is laughable. Forget that it is written in comic sans font - at this point, I have come to accept that there is something in the constitution that mandates official letters be written in a jokey font.
The focus of today’s post is the address line: Close to Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC).
I have nothing else to add.
Writing it in that font makes it twice as hilarious 🤣🤣🤣